What is aphtha

What is aphtha?

They are painful ulcer lesions surrounded by yellow and red moirés, which are frequently seen on the tongue, lips and buccal mucosa, soft palate and gums. It can be single or it can be multiple. It is more common in women than men. It is very painful and not contagious.

What causes aphthae?

Stress , trauma, chronic biting of the lip and cheek can accelerate the formation of aphthae The substance called sodium lauryl sulfate in toothpastes causes a destructive effect on the mucosal cells and accelerates the formation of aphtha
Vinegar, pickles, extremely spicy and salty foods can increase the formation of aphthae
Behçet’s disease
Excessive smoking
Nutritional disorders
B12 vitamin deficiency

How is the treatment of aphtha?

Aphthae usually resolve spontaneously in 7-10 days even if nothing is done.
Hot and spicy foods should not be used.
Pain relief sprays can be used before meals.
Anesthetic creams can be used.
B-complex vitamin supplements can be used . Can be easily treated with laser applications.